With the world the way it is today, many people are developing poor financial habits. There isn't too many of us who can go out there and purchase just anything without thinking about it first. There is many of us who have to sit and decide where there money is going to go on a weekly basis.
Because it is so easy to increase those bad habits of using credit cards, our debts are getting out of hand. The cards come to you so easily and we tend to use them not thinking of the future. You walk into any store and they give them to you with very little problem and the mail has tons of offers for cards such as Discover, Master Card, American Express, etc. Your income and the amount of cards you possess far outweighs the other.
All the places that hand you over these cards so easily have no idea how many other places you make payments to. We all claim to carry these cards for times when we really need them and before you know it you have spent them and have reached the limit you were allowed to spend. All of a sudden you have a payment that doesn't meet your budget. If you need to borrow money from family or friends, this could lead to even deeper problems.
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